explisve in russia

Hello everyone! Today speak about of news that thing is very shocking, this happened in Russia, in  Magnitogorsk, a little industrial city of Russia, where happened a explosion that left 28 dead and 15 disappeared, destroying ten floors in the building, the worst of all is that this happened in the new year eve, this must have very terrible for the familys that lose family members and also the familys that lose all things and they stayed in the street, literally. Because that you happened this case is very terrible but if happen to you in new year should be more terrible, no one want start the year for this form. In the new say also that this explosive maybe can be a act of terrorism because other sources says that a person that live in the second floor have stored explosive things in your department and maybe this produce the explosive in the building. But according of authorities says that this only speculations and the president Vladimir putin says that this was a leakage of gas and this produce the explosive but I thing that the other sources have reasons for your affirmations, even this web site says long time in a publication that dead of militars contractors in siria so for this that this not is the first prediction, I believe this sources is more secure in addition to that in Russia always happened this things, is very bad for the people lives in the country.


  1. Interesting new, but Its schoking that 28 people died!

  2. Really I do not believe in many news when the source is the USA goverment, but I do not trust in Vladimir Putin because he is a questionable politic figure

  3. I'm really impressed with this new!! 28?? really?? how nobody supervises that everything is ok?


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